Random ID which serves to improve our technical services by i.e. Server load balancing, geographical distribution and redundancy Manager team contract: Annual increase -0,1% Manager team contract: Annual increase +0,1% Manager team contract: Profit participation -0,1% Manager team contract: Profit participation +0,1% Manager team contract: Victory-bonus -20.000 Manager team contract: Victory-bonus +20.000 Unlimited negotiation rounds for team-contract Nationalteam contract: Qualification -10.000 Nationalteam contract: Qualification +10.000 Unlimited negotiationrounds for nationalteam contract

Player contract: Minimum release fee -1.000.000 Player contract: Minimum release fee +1.000.000 Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus -1.000 Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus +1.000 Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus -5.000 Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus +5.000 Player contract: Retain divisional status -1.000 Player contract: Retain divisional status +1.000 Player contract: Appearances bonus -2.000 Player contract: Appearances bonus +2.000 Unlimited negotiationrounds for managersponsors Unlimited negotiationrounds for name-rights Unlimited negotiation rounds for sponsor pyramid Unlimited negotiation rounds for adboards